Welcome to the Events Calendar!
We invite you to explore more ways to get involved and connect Arizona’s service members, veterans and their families. Listed here are upcoming training and events conducted by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families and our partners.
If you have any questions about our training and events, please email events@arizonacoalition.org.
- This event has passed.
Understanding the Military Experience Training Courses
October 1, 2022 - December 2, 2022

Understanding the Military Experience Training
The Arizona Coalition for Military Families is proud to announce a partnership with Purdue University’s Military Family Research Institute, the Center for Deployment Psychology Uniformed Services University, and the National Guard.
Together, we’re offering an opportunity to participate in a three-tiered virtual training experience through Zoom available to anyone who would like to gain a better understanding of the experiences of service members, veterans, and their families. Each training builds on the one before, and the three tiers must be taken sequentially.
Download the Course List & Schedule
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- The Tier 1 “Introduction to Military Culture and Deployment” course is a one-day event and is offered on 10/31 & 11/14
- The Tier 2 “Overview of Behavioral Health Challenges Related to Military Service” course is a two-day event and is offered 11/17 – 11/18 & 12/1 – 12/2
- The “Intimate Partner Violence” course is a 2-hour course offered on 11/4.
- There and two Tier 3 courses. The “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia” course is a two-day event offered 10/27 – 10/28. The “Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD” course is offered 11/9 – 11/10.