Welcome to the Events Calendar!

We invite you to explore more ways to get involved and connect Arizona’s service members, veterans and their families. Listed here are upcoming training and events conducted by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families and our partners.

If you have any questions about our training and events, please email events@arizonacoalition.org.

LinkedIn Profiles Workshop

This workshop walks attendees through how to create a compelling LinkedIn profile that can be used to build a professional brand and highlight experience.


Federal Hiring Workshop

This workshop covers the basics of federal hiring, civil service, www.USAJobs.gov, special hiring authorities, and other resources for a federal job search.


Welcome to Be Connected Virtual Event

Join us for this live online training to learn about the Be Connected ecosystem of support for service members, veterans, and their families and how you can be an open door to help someone connect! You’ll leave feeling more connected and well-prepared to assist any service member, veteran, or family member who may need support. This virtual event is open to everyone and is offered at no cost. Registration is required.


Interview Skills Workshop

This workshop aims to provide attendees with the tools and confidence they need to ace a job interview. During this workshop, interview basics, potential questions, and interview techniques are presented.


LinkedIn Profiles Workshop

This workshop walks attendees through how to create a compelling LinkedIn profile that can be used to build a professional brand and highlight experience.


Federal Hiring Workshop

This workshop covers the basics of federal hiring, civil service, www.USAJobs.gov, special hiring authorities, and other resources for a federal job search.


Welcome to Be Connected Virtual Event

Join us for this live online training to learn about the Be Connected ecosystem of support for service members, veterans, and their families and how you can be an open door to help someone connect! You’ll leave feeling more connected and well-prepared to assist any service member, veteran, or family member who may need support. This virtual event is open to everyone and is offered at no cost. Registration is required.


Salary Negotiations Workshop

This workshop is designed to take the mystery out of salary negotiation. Attendees are instructed on how to conduct salary research and the fundamentals of effective negotiation


LinkedIn Profiles Workshop

This workshop walks attendees through how to create a compelling LinkedIn profile that can be used to build a professional brand and highlight experience.

Federal Hiring Workshop

This workshop covers the basics of federal hiring, civil service, www.USAJobs.gov, special hiring authorities, and other resources for a federal job search.


Welcome to Be Connected Virtual Event

Join us for this live online training to learn about the Be Connected ecosystem of support for service members, veterans, and their families and how you can be an open door to help someone connect! You’ll leave feeling more connected and well-prepared to assist any service member, veteran, or family member who may need support. This virtual event is open to everyone and is offered at no cost. Registration is required.


Salary Negotiations Workshop

This workshop is designed to take the mystery out of salary negotiation. Attendees are instructed on how to conduct salary research and the fundamentals of effective negotiation.

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Be Connected and ConnectVeterans.org are provided in partnership by:

Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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