Welcome to the Events Calendar!

We invite you to explore more ways to get involved and connect Arizona’s service members, veterans and their families. Listed here are upcoming training and events conducted by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families and our partners.

If you have any questions about our training and events, please email events@arizonacoalition.org.

Women Veterans Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Focus Group

Attention Women Veterans! Your experiences matter. Join the VA for a special focus group hosted by the Women Veterans Program and Dr. Alexandrova, MST Coordinator, to share your experiences using Military Sexual Trauma (MST) services within the Phoenix VA Health Care System. After the focus group, you will have the opportunity to learn how to start, increase, or reopen an MST claim that was previously denied.


Women Veterans Healing of Memory Workshop

Women Veteran Healing of Memories Workshop November 15 at 5:30 PM – November 17 at 2:00 PM Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, Carefree, AZ. The Healing of Memories workshop is a safe place for participants to explore personal histories and gain insight and empathy for themselves and others. This Institute for Healing of Memories […]


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Be Connected and ConnectVeterans.org are provided in partnership by:

Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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