Supporting the needs of justice-involved veterans, service members, and their families to provide counsel and resolution.

Sometimes, everyday issues can become legal problems. Car accidents, contract disputes, workplace injuries or criminal complaints are examples of an issue that could become a legal problem. If you have an issue that is a legal problem, you probably need some help to learn about your legal rights. You may need a lawyer, and you may need to learn more about the law.

Legal FAQs

  • Don’t ignore the issue that you are facing. They won’t go away, so it’s best to face it now. Reflect. Is this issue really important? Is it something that needs to be done ASAP? Or can it wait for a couple of months until you are ready?
  • Be knowledgeable about your situation and what you are facing. For example, if this is a criminal matter, research lawyers, programs for first offenders and city/state/federal laws.
  • If you are thinking of pursuing a family law matter like child custody or divorce, review the best lawyer for your budget. If you can’t afford a seasoned lawyer, settle for one who may be equally as good for less. Many cities also have law libraries that can help with your research on basic filling and legal briefs for a nominal fee via paralegals.
  • Be mindful of discussing your legal issues with others. Stick to trusted and confidential sources and consider if someone could be called as a potential witness against you.
When researching lawyers and responding to legal complaints, be sure the person you hire is legitimate, has their degree, is a member of your State Bar, and someone who specializes in the legal issue you need help with. Also, if served, make sure the statement is real and not a scam. Don’t give anyone you don’t know and trust your Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers. Be wary of any demand involving mailing or wire transferring money. Don’t give in to pressure to take immediate action, even in legal situations. Take time to review and check that a situation, request or legal need is honest and form a trusted, verified source.
Don’t judge what a person is going through, listen, support their choices, and maybe provide testimony or help with what they need. Even if you don’t agree with what they want to do, or have done, still support them. They’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re there as support.
Struggling with legal issues is challenging on all levels. It can cause many mental health problems, from feeling irritable, sad, anxious, to more serious issues like depression, thoughts of suicide and addiction issues. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your mental health despite the ongoing uncertainty of the situation. Stay physically active, sleep, eat well, and drink plenty of water. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, spiritual adviser, or mentor. If you’re experiencing a decline in mental health that has you concerned, or your strategies aren’t working to improve your mood, then seek support. There are support lines that can listen and/or provide resources to counseling, support groups, education, and the development of coping skills.
Just let them know that you’re here for them and will help with anything they need. It’s good to be that support, especially if they don’t have one or are currently in a legal battle with someone who used to be their support.
A legal issue will take time to matriculate through the legal system. Court dates, legal meetings, hearings, etc., will not happen instantly. It can be difficult, scary, overwhelming, and cause tremendous worry. Try to be patient and trust the process; things will eventually come to a resolution, just not overnight.
  • Be on Your Best Behavior. A person going through legal issues should remain on their best behavior. It’s not a good idea to use substances or engage in any behavior which could cast you in poor light or bring more trouble. Instead, seek out good influences and work to stay mentally well.
  • Don’t Compare. It’s tempting to compare a person’s case with something or someone similar. The fact is that every single case is unique, and the comparisons probably don’t apply.
  • Listen More Than Talk. Someone fighting a legal case may have a lot on the line. This means they’re experiencing a lot of stress. So, be an ear for them to talk or suggest they seek professional, spiritual, or legal help.
  • Don’t Give Them Legal Advice. Everyone thinks they are a lawyer. The fact is that your loved one probably already has a lawyer to go over the facts of the case.

Many resources in the state of Arizona offer help, including community, government and military benefits. However, these systems can be complex and overwhelming to work through, especially when seeking a resolution to an immediate need.  Be Connected uses a resource matching tool to help find the right information and resources that best fit your situation. Please call 866-429-8387 for  assistance.

The ten areas of focus include Basic Needs, Employment, Family & Social Supports, Finances & Benefits, Higher Education, Housing & Homelessness, Legal, Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Physical Health and Spirituality.

Click here to view the other 10 Areas of Focus Be Connected can help with!

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Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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