Explore the 10 Areas of Focus within the The Be Connected Ecosystem of Support

Assistance with understanding, navigating and securing the benefits that the service member, veteran and their family members have earned through their service including financial, disability and medical support.

Personal finances can be tricky to navigate. People should work to rectify any immediate financial problems with the help of trusted resources. Once the immediate need is over, the person should then learn financial management skills including budgeting, money management and saving for future expenses and needs. 

Many of the most important money habits are built over time: saving, investing and cutting back spending, among others. Plan well and you can create financial wealth and health. Make sure you find out multiple ways to secure your future as saving alone will not guarantee this. With small investment efforts, you can secure a favorable future! 

Ways to Improve Personal Finances

   Build a financial plan and use it

   Plan for expenses by creating a monthly budget

    Consolidate, eliminate, and optimize debts and loans

   Save for future goals by spending wisely

   Start investing to build your wealth

   Create or add to an emergency fund

If someone is unsure, they should research or reach out to a colleague that has knowledge in that area. Be Connected offers skilled, and trained staff who can help with a conversation or additional resources in this arena. Please call Be Connected at 866-4AZVETS (866-429-8387) for additional assistance.

Navigating Finances

Navigating Benefits

Finances & Benefits FAQs

Financial scams are rampant in the day and age with the advent of online banking and social media. You can take certain steps to lessen the risk of financial scams by doing the following:
  • Take steps to block unwanted calls and text messages. Don’t give your personal or financial information in response to a request that you didn’t expect. Legitimate organizations won’t call, email or text to ask for your personal information, like your Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers. If you get an email or text message from a company you do business with and you think it’s real, it’s still best not to click on any links. Instead, contact them using a website you know is trustworthy. Or look up their phone number.
  • If you find yourself on the phone with a scammer you will know it, as many want you to act before you have time to think. They might tell you not to hang up so you can’t check out their story. Resist the pressure to act immediately. Legitimate businesses will give you time to make a decision. Anyone who pressures you to pay or give them your personal information is questionable.
  • Never pay someone who insists you pay with a gift card, by using a money transfer service, and never deposit a check and send money to someone. Stop and talk to someone you trust. Talking about it could help you realize it’s a scam. Additionally, be careful who you give your credit card number, social security number, address, and date of birth to.
There are many great ways to help people who are struggling with their finances. Helping to connect to available resources to alleviate immediate needs is usually the first step. It’s also important however to help people take control of their finances and resources. For example, Be Connected staff can help with a conversation, or find a third party who specializes in budgeting, money management, unemployment benefits, nutrition, cash or medical assistance, to help prepare and plan for future needs. Be Connected can also assist in connecting those eligible veterans to the Arizona Department of Veterans Services.
Spend time with friends and family, people that make you happy. Surround yourself with positivity and things that are beneficial to you and your well-being. Appreciate the little things that you do have. Lastly, believe in yourself while there are things that are pulling you down right now it will not last forever. Believe that you can do it and do not give up.
Let them know that you are still there for them. Approach the person with a positive attitude and an open heart. Money talks can be uncomfortable so that is why it is best to talk from the heart and from a place of empathy. Make an attempt to relate to them, even if you don’t know what it’s like to be struggling financially let them know that you know what it’s like to be stressed, worried, anxious, and afraid. It is always best to keep an open mind/heart and let them know that you are there for them.
Money problems are stressful when there’s not enough or you fear there won’t be enough in the future. It can create feelings of hopelessness and helplessness especially if you ignore the problem. Instead, accept what’s going to be out of reach for you and create a new plan. Working to let go of what might not be possible given your financial situation, accepting what is, can allow you to focus on the things you can control.
  1. Talk with someone. When facing money problems, everyone has a strong temptation to bottle everything up, but that is not the way to go. Talking to someone you trust can make the difference you might need.
  2. Take inventory of your finances and face the problem head-on. Denying the reality of your situation will only make things worse.
  3. Create a monthly budget and stick to it. Work on a solution and brainstorm ideas with a family trusted friends or professional resources who specialize in money management. Setting a monthly budget can help you keep on track. Include everyday expenses such as your groceries, gas money, monthly rent/mortgage, and utility bills. Set up automatic payments for your bills. Prioritize your spending and stop impulse buying. Always try and find new ways to save money.
  4. Manage stress. Financial problems tend to cause stress on the body and mind. It is essential to pay attention and care for yourself as well. A little regular exercise can help ease stress and boost your mood and energy. Practice relaxation techniques meditating, breathing exercises, or other techniques are good ways to release stress. Try to get a good night’s sleep. Sleep is important, and it will improve your mood and your self-esteem. Finally, try to eat healthy foods.
  5. Learn about Financial Management. Take classes on basic finances, managing credit and credit scores, financing and education, owning a home and retirement planning.

Many resources in the state of Arizona offer help, including community, government and military benefits. However, these systems can be complex and overwhelming to work through, especially when seeking a resolution to an immediate need.  Be Connected uses a resource matching tool to help find the right information and resources that best fit your situation. Please call 866-429-8387 for additional assistance.

The ten areas of focus include Basic Needs, Employment, Family & Social Supports, Finances & Benefits, Higher Education, Housing & Homelessness, Legal, Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Physical Health and Spirituality.

Click here to view the other 10 Areas of Focus Be Connected can help with!

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Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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