Women Veteran Success Stories


March 2024

These success stories come from the Coaching Into Connection program offered at no cost in Arizona to service members, veterans, and their families. Coaching Into Connection is about veterans helping veterans, creating a ripple effect of positive connections across Arizona. If you know of a veteran in Arizona who might benefit from this service offered at no cost, visit ConnectVeterans.org/Connection
or call 866-429-8387 Monday – Friday from 8 AM – 5 PM.

She Landed Her Dream Job

A female transitioning service member initially collaborated with our team to enhance her resume and seek assistance securing a civilian employer she had always aspired to join. Working in partnership with the Career Navigation team over a few months, the veteran skillfully navigated her career journey. Ultimately, she secured a full-time job offer with her dream company and an Arizona Veteran Supportive Employer, Raytheon, providing a promising career path post-military service. She expressed deep gratitude for the invaluable support from the Be Connected Career Navigation team, particularly for the resume coaching and interview preparation.

She Found Ways to Connect

A referral came in for a female veteran who is a single mom. She was socially isolated and rarely left her home. She was a great candidate for the Coaching Into Connection program which seeks to help veterans combat loneliness by connecting with hobbies and other activities they enjoy. A Connection Coach met with her twice weekly, once virtually and once in person to empower her to seek those social connections. After a few meetings, the veteran was connected to several organizations and signed up for a local in-person event. As her case came to a close, she reflected upon her growth stating, “I almost didn’t show up to this coffee shop a couple of months ago and now I don’t need to come anymore.”

She Solved a Problem and Gained a Hobby

A female veteran, who was new to Arizona, wanted to gather information on local resources for her child and herself. Upon meeting with her, the Connection Coach found out this veteran was also seeking help to protect her and her child, legally, from a domestic violence situation. The Connection Coach linked the veteran with a veteran standdown event where she was able to protect her address, speak with a lawyer, and gain information that led her path toward involving law enforcement. Not only was the veteran able to successfully address her legal needs, she connected to resources including classes for her child and classes to express herself through art. 

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Be Connected and ConnectVeterans.org are provided in partnership by:

Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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