Learn More About Be Connected Career Navigation


Statewide in Arizona – (Jun. 29, 2022) – One of the results of the pandemic, besides everyone learning how to kindly tell their colleagues “You’re on mute…” was that many workers were able to (or required to) work from home. This sudden shift to a virtual connection to work offered an unexpected glimpse into the once elusive land of work-life balance. Even though the kids may have been in the family room learning history, the ability to throw in a load of laundry and pet the dog for a bit on the 10-step commute to the office was eye-opening for many. 

If you’re ready for a career change, either to trade in the hours behind the wheel commuting for a headset or to advance to a new role, or to change industries altogether– the Be Connected Career Navigation team is here to help you.

Be Connected Career Navigation is a no-cost career coaching and employment matching service exclusively available to all military members (transitioning Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve) as well as veterans, their spouses, and family members. The team is based right here in Arizona and is led by Ayla, a U.S. Air Force veteran. Ayla and her team offer workshops and briefings online and in-person that can help career seekers better position themselves for career opportunities. 

By working with the Be Connected Career Navigation team, you’ll have access to no-cost workshops on leveraging LinkedIn, optimizing your resume, connecting to career opportunities, preparing for interviews, and attending virtual job fairs. Career Navigation is also a pathway to connect to more than 250 Arizona Veteran Supportive Employers – businesses and organizations that have programs and policies in place to attract, retain and develop the talent of people with a military background including military spouses, family members, and of course- veterans and service members.

Get Started Today

Service Members, Guard & Reserve Members

If you’re separating from military service in the next 18 months or are a member of the Guard or Reserve, Be Connected Career Navigation can work with you to match you to SkillBridge opportunities, no-cost training, and certification courses and help your prepare for civilian employment. The Career Navigation team provides pre-separation briefings at Arizona’s military installations and in some cases, has an on-base office. Let us help make your transition to civilian employment easier! Just fill out the form below and we will be in touch.


We have connections to more than 250 Arizona Veteran Supportive Employers (AVSE) who understand and recognize the unique skillsets that veterans bring to the workplace. If you’ve been away from the workplace for a while or are looking to make a change – we can help you get prepared for the job search and make connections to AVSEs who go the extra mile to recruit and retain employees with veteran status. Click on the link below to get started.

Military Spouses/Partners & Family Members

Tired of stagnant wages, the high cost of commuting, or have a desire to work for an employer that “gets” military families and recognizes your unique skills? The Be Connected Career Navigation team can help! Spouses / Partners and family members are invited to fill out the form below to connect with our Career Navigation Team. We can help you connect to employers who understand, appreciate and value the lifestyle that comes with military service.

Connect with Career Navigation on Base

The Be Connected Career Navigation team is out in the community each week giving briefings to service members who are preparing to transition into civilian life. We’re regularly at each of Arizona’s military installations helping service members, veterans and their families members connect to meaningful career and training opportunities.

Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson

  • LinkedIn Workshop 
  • Private Sector Resume Workshop
  • Informed Decision

Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista

  • Pre-Separation Briefing
  • Career Navigation Briefing
  • Career Guidance via Soldier for Life Office

Luke Air Force Base, Glendale

  • Pre-Separation Briefing
  • On-Site Career Guidance – Airman & Family Readiness Center 
  • Newcomer’s Wing Orientation

Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma

  • Pre-Separation Briefing

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Be Connected and ConnectVeterans.org are provided in partnership by:

Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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