Phoenix, AZ – (Jul. 1, 2022) – The Be Connected support line, 866-4AZ-VETS (866-429-8387) is available for any Arizona service member, Guard and Reserve members, veterans, their families and caregivers. This is a statewide support line offered at no cost that is answered by an Arizona-based team that specializes in providing resources and support for veterans, people in the military and anyone who supports them. These are real stories that showcase the support that Arizona veterans received by reaching out. How can we help you?

Eliminating His Worry
An 81-year-old Vietnam veteran called the Be Connected support line requesting assistance with home health care for an upcoming back surgery. He was discouraged because he had not been able to find home health care agencies to provide services to him after his surgery. He was referred to Be Connected from an agency in Phoenix and really had no idea who he was calling but was just desperate to find support. As the support line team member spoke to him, she could sense he was still concerned that he wasn’t going to get the help he needed, including light housekeeping and feeding his birds. By the end of the call, the support line team member was able to offer the comfort and reassurance he needed so he could go into surgery and recover with peace of mind. He was so appreciative and couldn’t stop thanking the team member. He said, “It’s too bad we can’t meet in person, I’d love for you to meet my birds.” That was such a touching sentiment for our team member who is a fellow animal lover. Our team member shared, “He made my day just as much as I made his.”
Priority Care After Surgery
The wife of an Army veteran called the Be Connected support line. She is his caregiver and he recently had surgery. The veteran’s wife called because all of her husband’s post-operative appointments had been canceled and they had to go to a local urgent care center in order to get him seen in a timely manner. The veteran’s wife stated they had been trying to connect with the surgeon as well as his primary care physician (PCP), but were not having any luck. Our support line team member was able to connect the wife and the veteran to the patient advocate to file a complaint and find out who his social worker is so they could seek additional assistance. The wife called the support line back the next day to inform our team member that they were on their way home from the hospital after seeing the husband’s PCP and that they now had future appointments scheduled with the surgeon and the social worker.

Wheelchair Games Service Dogs Protected
Our Be Connected team member was contacted by a colleague who is a Recreational Therapist at the Phoenix, VA. The call was in regard to the National Veterans Wheelchair Games (NVWG) being hosted in Tempe this July. Knowing that I work for Be Connected, she wanted to know if there was any way we could possibly collaborate to get booties/training tips for 28 confirmed service dogs who will be attendees/participants at the NVWG. That’s when the Be Connected Community Engagement Team got involved. Be Connected was able to connect with a representative from Purina to work on solutions and connect with even more organizations offering to make donations to help with this collaboration. The protective booties are an essential safety component for the service dogs to be able to participate safely alongside their veteran athletes in July in Arizona.
A Fresh Start
A case manager contacted the Be Connected support line on behalf of a veteran client of hers that was in need of assistance. The veteran recently exited an abusive relationship after which her husband maintained possession of household items and a shared vehicle. The support line team member was able to speak directly to the veteran to gain an understanding of how else Be Connected might be able to assist. The veteran requested legal assistance with filing for the divorce along with information on filing for social security benefits and utilizing other Be Connected resources. The team member was able to provide her with contact information for a transportation program which will provide temporary relief with transportation needs, along with housing, financial and other community resources. In addition, the veteran was able to receive legal services specific to crime victims. The Be Connected team member reflects on the call. “I assured her that she is not alone in her situation and encouraged her to contact us if she needs anything as she adjusts to her new situation.” The veteran and her case manager were extremely thankful that Be Connected was there for her and both so she could have the support during this situation