Welcome to the Events Calendar!

We invite you to explore more ways to get involved and connect Arizona’s service members, veterans and their families. Listed here are upcoming training and events conducted by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families and our partners.

If you have any questions about our training and events, please email events@arizonacoalition.org.

Virtual Homeless Summit

The SAVAHCS is proud to announce its annual Virtual Homeless Summit: “Perseverance Through Difficult Times” - A no-cost virtual community event discussing the regional issues and situation for homelessness in the southern region of Arizona.


Arizona Faith Gathering

We are working to build a strong, statewide network of caring and compassionate people who offer support for all who serve our country and their families who support them, we hope that you will subscribe to news and event invitations and stay connected to the Be Connected Faith Network and the other resources and programs offered through Be Connected. If you want to be a part of the Arizona Faith Gatherings and get more involved, join us at this event!


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Be Connected and ConnectVeterans.org are provided in partnership by:

Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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