Statewide, AZ – (Mar. 1, 2022) – Please check in on your military-connected employees and community members during this time of uncertainty related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The military-connected community is a proud group that is known for their service and willingness to help others. However, this same group often hesitates to ask for help or assistance. They believe that someone else is always more in need than themselves, or that they can ‘handle it’ on their own.
Military-connected family members may be stressed or worried about their loved ones that may be deployed in support of Ukraine and our allies. Veterans who served in U.S. military conflicts may be feeling emotional distress, reminded of their own deployment experiences. Veterans and their families may both be triggered by the images they are seeing in the news and on media platforms. Remember that Be Connected is here to assist. Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., our team is standing by to help through the support line. Please call 866-4AZ-VETS (429-8387). If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 800-273-8255 (press 1) or text 838255 to speak to another Veteran, or talk to a therapist.
As a nationally recognized organization and trusted entity throughout the state, Be Connected is available to offer support and resources during times like this. Our team can connect service members, veterans, family members and caregivers to resources across the ten social determinants of health or areas of focus. The Be Connected motto is, “No wrong door, no wrong person, no wrong time.” Our goal is to build awareness, engage, equip and connect the people and organizations in every sector of our community in support of service members, veterans, their families and communities throughout Arizona.