Phoenix, AZ – (Aug. 27, 2021) – The Be Connected Support Line, 866-4AZ-VETS (866-429-8387) is available for any Arizona service member, Guard and Reserve members, veterans, their families and caregivers. This is a statewide support line offered at no cost that is answered by an Arizona-based team that specializes in providing resources and support for veterans, people in the military and anyone who supports them. These are real stories that showcase the support that Arizona veterans received by reaching out. How can we help you?

Safety Plan
A Be Connected navigator assisted a veteran in developing a plan for safety after the veteran reported having suicidal ideations. The veteran takes care of her husband, who is bed ridden and is also a veteran. She was certain that she was not able to take care of her husband and have time to address her mental health concerns. Outside of developing a safety plan, the veteran declined any additional mental health services, although she assured the navigator that she could follow the safety plan that they created. A week later, the navigator checked in on the client. Not only had the veteran followed the safety plan, but she also made an appointment with a counselor, communicated with her loved ones on a daily basis and joined a support group for people with depression. The veteran continues to care for her husband and maintain her mental health on a daily basis.
“You have brought me some hope today.”
A navigator with the Career Navigation team reached out to a client who had not been responsive for months. The client, who is a service member, answered the call and mentioned that he had been very discouraged with his career search. The service member was looking for employment opportunities in a specific technical field but had been unsuccessful despite his best efforts. The career navigator provided the service member with some ideas regarding career connections and how to better approach his job search. The navigator also coached him on resume writing and interview preparation.
“You have brought me some hope today,” said the service member, as he expressed his gratitude for the Career Navigation team.