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We invite you to explore more ways to get involved and connect Arizona’s service members, veterans and their families. Listed here are upcoming training and events conducted by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families and our partners.

If you have any questions about our training and events, please email events@arizonacoalition.org.

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POW/MIA Recognition Day

September 19

POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed annually on the third Friday in September. This day honors and remembers the sacrifices and contributions of U.S. Prisoners of War (POWs) and those Missing in Action (MIA) while serving their country. The day was first observed in 1979 to raise awareness about the plight of American prisoners of war and those missing in action. POW/MIA Recognition Day serves as a reminder that the U.S. government is still working to bring home those who are missing and to provide support and care for those who were held captive. It also recognizes the families of POWs and MIAs, who continue to carry the burden of uncertainty and grief. Through ceremonies, vigils, and other events, POW/MIA Recognition Day honors the sacrifices and service of all U.S. military personnel and reminds us to never forget those who have not yet returned home.


September 19
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Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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