
The Statewide Symposium in Support of Service Members, Veterans & Their Families hosted by the Arizona Coalition for Military Families, is the only statewide conference that brings together military, government, and community to focus on strengthening services and support for Arizona’s 500,000+ service members, veterans, and their families. The event features breakout sessions, keynote speakers, exhibitors, and networking opportunities focused on providing knowledge, skills, and tools to serve and support the military and veteran community. Scholarships and more details can be found at

Symposium Format

  • Two days of event programming focused on increasing knowledge, skills and connections to serve the military, veteran and the military-affiliated family member population across Arizona.
  • General sessions featuring Arizona leadership and updates on key statewide initiatives.
  • Breakout session topics across multiple learning tracks, with an emphasis on discussion and engagement.
  • Opportunities to network with representatives from the military, government, and community as well as event exhibitors and attendees.

Who Should Attend

Everyone is welcome! Including:

  • Community Representatives
  • Educators
  • Employers
  • Faith Community Representatives
  • First Responders
  • Government Leaders and Employees
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Human Services Professionals
  • Legal Advocates and Attorneys
  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Mental Health Providers
  • Military Affiliated Family Members
  • Military Personnel
  • Service Members | Active Duty, Guard, Reserve
  • Social Workers
  • Veteran Service Organization Members
  • Veterans

Cost and Scholarships

  • There registration fee for the two-day event includes the cost of all programs, breakout sessions, meals, and snacks.
  • Thanks to the support of our partners and sponsors, full scholarships are available to offset the cost of registration for those who would not otherwise be able to attend and for those traveling from outside of Central Arizona who would experience financial hardship. For more information, email

Event Archive

14th Annual Statewide Symposium
April 17 & 18, 2024

13th Annual Statewide Symposium
April 19 & 20, 2023

12th Annual Statewide Symposium
April 20 & 21, 2022

11th Annual Statewide Symposium
April 21 & 22, 2021

Questions or Sponsorship Inquiries? Please contact the event team at

Visit for the virtual event experience.

View the event archive.

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Special thanks to the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family for their partnership and support.

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